• Table

    • Fortune-telling hall.You can enjoy professional fortune-telling on a daily basis.How about foreseeing the future, such as tarot, four pillars of destiny, and dowsing?

      Table 2Person(s) × 1

      Fortune-telling hall.You can enjoy professional fortune-telling on a daily basis.How about foreseeing the future, such as tarot, four pillars of destiny, and dowsing?

  • Counter seat

    • Counter seats that make noise ★

      Counter seat 1Person(s) × 12

      Counter seats that make noise ★

    • Counter seats that make noise ★

      Counter seat 1Person(s) × 12

      Counter seats that make noise ★

  • Sofa seat

    • Semi-private sofa seats that are also popular with groups ♪ It is also a popular seat for girls-only gatherings.

      Sofa seat 6Person(s) × 3

      Semi-private sofa seats that are also popular with groups ♪ It is also a popular seat for girls-only gatherings.